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Water Quality Reports 2022

The Department of Environmental Protection along with the federal Environmental Protection Agency creates water quality standards for testing and measuring the level of various contaminants that may be found in drinking water. Water quality samples are taken regularly in accordance with these standards to ensure the safety and quality of your water.

Below are the 2022 Water Quality Reports (PDF) for each system we service:

Black Bear Waterworks

Black Bear

Brendenwood Waterworks, Inc.


Brevard Waterworks, Inc.

Kingswood Manor

Oakwood Manor

Citrus Waterworks, Inc.



Collier Utility Company

Lee Cypress

Okaloosa Waterworks, Inc.


Duval Waterworks, Inc.


Country Walk Utility Co.

Country Walk

Gator Waterworks, Inc.


Harbor Waterworks, Inc.

Harbor Hills

HC Waterworks, Inc.

Lake Josephine – Sebring Lakes

Leisure Lakes 

Jump Creek Utility Co.

Jumper Creek

Lake Idlewild

Lake Idlewild

Lakeside Waterworks, Inc.

Lakeside Waterworks – Shangi-La

Lake Talquin Waterworks

Lake Talquin Waterworks

LP Waterworks, Inc.

The Woodlands of Lake Placid N

Pine Harbour Waterworks, Inc.

Pine Harbour

Raintree Waterworks, Inc.


Royal Waterworks, Inc.


Seminole Waterworks Co.


Buck Lake

Meadow Hills

North Lake Meadow

Plantation Estates

Sedgefield SubdivisioS

Shoal Creek

Sunny Hills Utility Co.

Sunny Hills

The Woods Utility Co.

The Woods

Raintree Harbor Precautionary Boil Water Notice 11/10/22

Raintree Harbor PWS# 335-4687 No incoming commercial power due to Hurricane Nicole Entire system affected – 110 connections Power Company was notified and responding

Date: November 10, 2022 @ 6:30am PRECAUTIONARY BOIL WATER NOTICE A loss of pressure has occurred in your water system. As a precaution, upon return of service, we advise that all water used for drinking or cooking be boiled. A rolling boil of one 1ninute is sufficient. As an alternative, bottled water may be used. If you have any questions, you n1ay contact U.S. Water Services Oper­ations at 727-848-8292, ext