Water Quality FAQs
Click here for answers for to your frequently asked questions about water quality.
Click here for answers for to your frequently asked questions about water quality.
For your convenience you may print this form, fill it out and and mail it in to start making automatic payments.
LP Waterworks, Inc. found elevated levels of lead in drinking water in some homes/buildings. Lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and children 6 years and younger. To read more about potential health effects and what you can do to reduce your risk of exposure please click on the public notice link below.
Your water treatment process is changing. Please click the link below to learn more.
The Department of Environmental Protection along with the federal Environmental Protection Agency create water quality standards for testing and measuring the level of various contaminants that may be found in drinking water. Water quality samples are taken regularly in accordance with these standards to ensure the safety and quality of your water.
Brendonwood Waterworks, Inc.
Brevard Waterworks, Inc.
Country Walk Utility Co.
Harbor Waterworks, Inc.
HC Waterworks, Inc.
Lake Josephine – Sebring Lakes
Hillsborough Waterworks, Inc.
Jumper Creek Utility Co.
Lake Idlewild
Lake Osborne Waterworks, Inc.
Lakeside Waterworks, Inc.
Lakeside Waterworks – Shangri-La
LP Waterworks, Inc.
Raintree Waterworks, Inc.
Sunny Hills Utility Co.
The Woods Utility Co.
What Can You Do To Protect Your Water Supply From Contamination ?
Be involved in keeping your water safe from contamination. Every home has potential hazards that threaten to contaminate your drinking water. The most common way contaminants enter the drinking water system is through cross connections in our piping systems. Backflow from a cross connection can occur when the pressure in the water main drops below the line pressure in your home causing a “soda straw” effect called backsiphonage. This effect can draw water from garden hoses, wash basins, boilers, lawn sprinklers, swimming pools, etc., into your home’s water supply. You may not even be aware that the water in your home has been contaminated or that someone has been made ill from drinking the water. Backflow contamination can result in illness or even death.
It is easy to protect your water supply from these hazards. Be aware of potential hazards and install appropriate backflow preventers at water outlets.
1. Never submerge a free running hose in water and never leave a hose submerged in standing water without proper backsiphonage protection.
2. Never use a hose to spray toxic chemicals without proper backsiphonage protection.
Protect your family and neighbors from these potential hazards by protecting your water supply from backflow contamination.
For more information on how you can protect your home from cross connection contamination, contact your local water provider.
If you spend a portion of your year in Florida please help us accurately bill your account while you are out of state.
Here’s how you can help:
Florida’s Administrative Code, Rule 25-30.335, requires that we bill you the approved base facility charge each month regardless of whether or not you are in residence. The base facility charge covers the cost to maintain the water and wastewater pipes and treatment systems in your area which must remain in operation whether or not you are using the service.
If you decide to turn your water off, you’ll need to close the valve on your water service line and ensure it works properly. The utility company is not responsible for any damage resulting from water leaks in the pipes or fixtures within your home, including your water heater.
Whether you’re staying in Florida this summer or elect to leave your irrigation system turned on while you’re away, here are some tips to water smart.
The Department of Environmental Protection along with the federal Environmental Protection Agency create water quality standards for testing and measuring the level of various contaminants that may be found in drinking water. Water quality samples are taken regularly in accordance with these standards to ensure the safety and quality of your water.