clean glass of tap water
Your Drinking Water


The quality of your drinking water is our top priority. Please check back often for news and updates regarding your Drinking Water.

Collier Utility Co – Lee Cypress Precautionary Boil Water Notice

Effective immediately all users of the Collier Utility Co aka Lee Cypress are under a precautionary boil water notice due to vandalism at the water treatment plant. Crews are in the process of flushing the system and bacteriological sampling is being done. Once samples come back satisfactory the boil water will be rescinded, this normally takes 48 to 72 hours.

Raintree Water to be OFF Monday, May 8, 2023

Duke energy will be making upgrades to the system which feeds power to the water treatment facility at Raintree. On Monday, May 8, 2023 the system will be shut down to allow for electrical upgrades that will facilitate continuity in our system. Because pressure will be lost a Precautionary Boil Water has been pre-issued for Monday when service is restored. Upon receipt of satisfactory bacteriological samples the boil water notice will be rescinded, this will take minimally 48 hours.

North Lake Meadows Rescission

The Precautionary Boil Water Notice issued this weekend is hereby rescinded. Bacteriological sample results have come back satisfactory and you no longer need to boil your water. Thank you for your patience as we follow FDEP protocal for clearances!

Pine Harbour Precautionary Boil Water Issued

Due to a system wide power outage in Pine Harbour all residents are on a Precautionary Boil Water, all water consumed should be boiled until a rescission is issued. Bacteriological samples will be taken for 2 consecutive days and upon receipt of satisfactory results the rescission will be issued, as the tests take 24 hours to be run, the system will be minimally 48 hours on boil water.

North Lake Meadows Precautionary Boil Water Notice

Due to a community wide power outage water pressure was lost and a Precautionary Boil Water Notice has been issued. Bacteriological samples will be delivered to the laboratory today, May 1st and upon satisfactory results (samples take 24 hours to read) a rescission will be issued.

Sunny Hills Rescission Notice

The 6 residences that were affected by the recent precautionary boil water notice no longer need to boil their water, bacteriological sample results have come back satisfactory and the notice is hereby rescinded.

Sunny Hills Precautionary Boil Water Notice

Due to a lightning strike there was a 6″ water main break in Sunny Hills, 6 homes are affected by this precautionary boil water notice located on Randolf Dr and Hammerhead. Door tags will be distributed when the notice is rescinded as well as a post will be here. Thank you