Leisure Lakes/Covered Bridge Rescission Notice
All bacteriological samples have come back satisfactory and the system is no longer on a Precautionary Boil Water Notice.
All bacteriological samples have come back satisfactory and the system is no longer on a Precautionary Boil Water Notice.
Due to a 6″ water main break the entire community is on a Precautionary Boil Water Notice. Crews are working on repairs and when service is restored you will need to boil water for consumption. Once bacteriological clearance samples are confirmed by the laboratory a rescission will be issued.
Due to damage from this mornings severe storms you may have experienced water outages. Our crews are assessing each site as they are allowed to go in safely. There are a lot of power lines down particularly in Tallahassee and the surrounding area. Safety is our top priority and once crews are given the go ahead by the power company they will be able to visit each site. Please be patient as we work with the power company to restore services as quickly as possible. Please stay home as that is the safest thing to do right now.
Due to damage sustained during the storms this morning, a loss of pressure or pressure below 20 PSI has been experienced in the system. As is required by FDEP the system is now under a Precautionary Boil Water Notice, any water used for consumption should be boiled. Upon receipt of satisfactory bacteriological samples a rescission will be issued.
Due to a water main break within the system the water will need to be shut down to make repairs. Once water service is restored the community will be on a Precautionary Boil Water Notice, all water for consumption will need to be boiled. Once bacteriological samples are confirmed as satisfactory a rescission will be issued, this normally takes 2-3 days, we thank you for your patience in this matter
Due to a loss of commercial power during the night there was a loss of water pressure throughout the system. Due to this loss of pressure the community is now on a Precautionary Boil Water Notice, once bacteriological samples are determined to be satisfactory a rescission will be issued
Due to a commercial power failure there has been a loss of water pressure at the water treatment plant which has resulted in a Precautionary Boil Water notice to be issued. Crews are on site waiting for Duke Energy to address the issue. Once power has been restored our staff will ensure all water equipment is operational and will restore water service. Bacteriological samples will be pulled and once verification of satisfactory sample results is received a rescission will be issued.
All bacteriological sample results have been determined to be satisfactory and Royal Waterworks is no longer under a Precautionary Boil Water Notice, we appreciate your patience in this matter!
Due to an area wide power outage which took out 2 of 3 legs of power our water plant went down. Due to this there was a loss of pressure and a Precautionary Boil Water Notice has been issued. As there were no broken pipes or open waterways this is strictly a precautionary measure that FDEP requires when pressure drops below 20 PSI in the system. Once the required bacteriological samples are deemed satisfactory a rescission will be posted here and by reverse 911. We thank you for your patience in this matter.
All bacteriological samples have been determined to be satisfactory and the Precautionary Boil Water Notice has officially been rescinded, it is no longer suggested that you boil your water for consumption.